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26 February 2020

Major annual adviser training day and SMSF conference to be held in Brisbane

The two-day program is targeted towards accountants, financial planners and other professional advisers.

An annual conference focusing on major legal and financial developments will be held in Brisbane on 19th and 20th March at the Mercure Hotel in Brisbane.

The Adviser Training Day and SMSF Conference was launched in Brisbane over a decade ago by Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers and has since become the first opportunity of the year for professional advisers to gain unique insights into the year ahead.

The two-day program is targeted towards accountants, financial planners and other professional advisers.

Last year’s conference attracted over 200 guests and was cited extensively in the legal and financial press.

The conference will share in-depth knowledge on:

  • Major legal developments for 2020
  • NALE and NALI updates
  • Critical changes in trusts, tax and family law
  • Rollovers, restructures and duty
  • SMSF changes and updates
  • Asset protection, estates, tax and the ATO.

Cooper Grace Ward partner and host of the conference, Scott Hay-Bartlem says that the conference has always been a powerful learning experience for advisers who are seeking detailed information on legal developments that will affect the way they do business.

“In this confusing, complex and volatile environment, professional advisers are facing increasing challenges to meet the demands of their clients.”

“The information we share at the conference will provide attendees with knowledge and tools to solve complex issues and explain developments and trends that affect how they do business with their clients and other professionals.”

“Attendees will hear from some of the best legal experts on trusts, tax and SMSF updates and receive real-world case study examples.” He said.

The conference will be held on the 19th and 20th March at the Mercure Hotel in Brisbane. More information and full details here.

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